
. . . and the other's gold

This post is dedicated to all the people I've reconnected with this summer

Maren and I had a blast spending a cool weekend watching the first 7 harry potter films at the Riverview Theatre.  We met in kindergarten and were good friends through 4th grade, when I switched schools.  I have plans to have dinner with her this week at Victor's.  It's like we never lost touch, except I think we have even more in common now.

Alycia and I met through my friend S (not listed below).  I royally pissed her off because I promised to invite to to my wedding (and then forgot) and then didn't.  By the time I had realized, I had run out of room and money.  Plus, everyone she would have known was sitting at the head table.  But she eventually forgave me, and when her mom passed away earlier this year, I do what I always do.  I wrote her.  I don't particularly enjoy writing condolence letters, but I believe they are important, and something that are often shyed away from.  In turn, we've gotten together a few times to chat and catch up, and I discovered she and I had a lot more in common than our shared friendship with S&L.  What a learning experience in 1st (2nd and umpteenth) impressions.

Ginny and I met at my first year at Camp Lake Hubert.  We became fast friends in our weeks stay, and I was so sad when she didn't come back.  At the end of our session, it came up that we were of the same denomination.  I thought she was confused.  I'd never met anyone who was of my faith at a non-church gathering.  Turns out, she thought the same thing.  Now her mom attends our church and I met her for appetizers in Uptown last week.  She's leaving for Prague at the end of the month to teach english.  She's funny and animated and full of vigor and energy.  I hope we'll keep in touch.

Sarah's grandparents lived next door to me when I was growing up, and we'd play together when she and her brother came over.  I don't remember anything about her brother.  Years later, when I was working out at the airport, we met for the second time, without knowing our previous connection.  I usually only see her about once or twice a year, but I got to see her twice this summer.  It's always so good to catch up with her, and she keeps me updated on airport friends we had together that I lost touch with.

This may have been a tough summer, full of bumbs, bruises and bug bites.  But I'm so grateful for the time I've had to reconnect with these people, and I totally acknowledge that I probably wouldn't have had the chance if my "usual" friends had not been stupid occupied.

Next on my list?  Krupali and Jane (although she's in AZ).  You know what they say: Make new friends, but keep the old.  One is silver and the other's gold.

Update: I forgot to include Lori and Sara W in this post.  I'll have to write about them another time.