
books update March 20th, 2011

In progress:
Brilliant cooking tips and tricks (yes, still)
the cookbook collector (yes, still.  Although I'm really enjoying this one, and am limited by the amount of time I spend in the car, by myself)
How to Pick a Peach (yes, still)

Not buying it, which was less of what I was hoping for, i.e. more insightful ideas on how to spend less money rather than "simply" stop buying lattes everyday.  I don't buy lattes everyday.  I don't buy lattes more than  once a month!  It was more an examination on why we spend and how shopping constantly has inserted into our American dream and psyche.  However, being published in 2003/4, it was slightly outdated, what with the battle cry against Bush and 9-11 being so fresh.  I would like to think that the Great Recession has possibly reset the spending habits of Americans, but the truth will be revealed whenever we get out of this mess.  But I know that it's certainly reset my spending and saving habits.  Never the less, I've wanted to read this book for a long time, and I'm glad I did.

book title                                          Due in
Brillant cooking tips                             6 days
How to Pick a Peach                          9 days
The Girl Who Played Go                   12 days
The Invisible Circus                           12 days
Keep The Change                             16 days

Looks like I have some serious reading to catch up on.  Here goes nothing!

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