
A Beginning

So, here I am. For those of you out there in the blogosphere, this may just be a test. If this were a true blog, I would have come up with a better handle. This, I believe, is more or less a stream of consciousness. An opportunity to get my thoughts down on proverbial paper, and take some weight off my shoulders. I hope you enjoy it, because really, what's the point in doing anything if you don't enjoy it, or receive some greater good for it? But anyways . .

The real reason I am here folks, like so many of us out here, is because I feel frustrated. Plain ol'simple frustration. But my biggest conundrum seems to be that I can't seem to find the cause of this frustration. And that, my friends, leads to more frustration. My life, by the closest yard stick, is pretty damn good. For starters, I have a job that I actually like pretty well. And that's more than a lot of my friends and loved ones can say during this economic climate. I have a loving husband. I have some goals for myself (probably the same ones a lot of you have out there), and I'm making decent progress towards those goals. Like I said, life is pretty damn good. And yet, frustration! WHY?!?!

A minor list of some possible causes
  • I feel annoyed lately by my DH
  • My best friend has been unemployed for six months
  • I want to buy a house really badly but can't seem to make the necessary steps towards it
  • I "love" my job yet find myself bored there some of the time
  • my car is a piece of shit
  • three of my favorite stores have closed in the last six months (I totally get that this is trivial and shallow, but this is MY blog dammit ;P

Ummm, I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of it all right now.

So what am I doing with this so called frustration? A whole lotta nothin. I dont' excercise much. I do walk to work atleast half the time. I ignore it. I obsess over it. I do housewifey things like cook and clean to try and push it out of my mind. When all of that doesn't work, I pray (like any normal christian). And yet here sits this mass of frustration. I don't get it. What's really so goddamned wrong with my life? Why can't I get over this?

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