

Monday: took car to shop due to gears slipping.  Transmission blown: $2800
(Previously: taxes: Despite making hardly anything, we owe one grand)
Tuesday:  It will take 1-3 WEEKS to get money out of inherited stock.
Tonight: Hit BMW in Kenwood area on slippery snowfall.  With loaner car from repair shop.  FML.
also: Cousin announce he and his wife are pregnant.  So is my SIL.  And a friend of mine from high school.  It's like it's in the air.  People keep asking me when we're having kids.  I daydream about telling them we'll have them just as soon as I figure out where the fuck my period went.  Oh, I'm sorry, was that too personal?  THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD STOP ASKING WHEN I"M GOING TO GET KNOCKED UP!!

In better news, I jogged 10 straight minutes today without keeling over.  This running program may be working after all. On the other hand, I have 3 more workouts left this week that all require 10 minute jogs, so I'll keep you posted.  (because you're totally waiting with baited breath)