

There is a woman who just started working here.  She has a very unusual name.  Or so I thought.  I went to email her, and it turns out there is another woman who also works here with the same exact name.  It spelled slightly differently.

People like to argue about books and movies.  Which was better: the book or the movie?  Almost always, people say the book was better.  Almost always, people say to read the book before you see the film.  I have some alternate thoughts.  First, comparing books to films is like comparing apples to oranges.  They have similarities, but ultimately, they are different.  But I tend to find, my favorite film adaptations come from slimmer novles (Coraline, Drive) than longer ones.  I also disagree with the idea that you should read the book first.  Especially if you usually find the book superior.  Why invest a dozen or so hours in a story when you could invest just 2?  What if you don’t like the story?  If you do like it, you can then invest the dozen hours reading the book.  Most people find the book more satisfying anyways.  By doing it this way, you save yourself hours on stories that you don’t find compelling, and you are saved the disappointment of a film that “doesn’t” live up the book.

I have an interview tomorrow.  I don’t know what to think.  I had a dream last night that my interview took place like American Idol.  “Rachel is detail-oriented and flexible, but will that be enough to get her to the final round?”  Tonight will be spent holed up in the library with my lesson, a notebook and a job hunting book.  We’ll see where this gets me.