In other news, trying to figure out what to do with 341 yards of new yarn I bought that looks like this:
I seem to be in a scarf rut, so maybe it's time for some new skills. On the other hand, I love how much instant gratifcation scarves provide. And capes and wraps do nothing for my narrow shoulders. Entrelac perhaps? Cabeling? feather and fan? Discuss.
Also, saw this amazing spiral scarf (why, oh why do I never get sick of these?) at 3 kittens. It was like a lace-weight fuzzy (mohair?) knitted on a larger gauge, like 13. But it was like it was knitted in a long rectangle with an eyelet edge, and then they went back and slip stitch crocheted the edge to make it ruffle. The clerk said they did something else, but I couldn't really follow. And even if they did do something else, it got me thinking, would that work? So I think I'm going to pick up some more of the fountain hills at Depth of Field (I need it for something else. No, really!) and do a quick trial, and see from there. Because I did not dig all the long rows of the first spiral scarf I did (knitted horizontally with kfbs ad infinitem), but I also disliked how slow it was knitting vertically with short rows. Although, I'm sure the lace work didn't help that at all.
I like that I've gotten to a point in my knitting edification that I can see projects and more or less understand how they are made, or at least see how they could be made.