
underbuyer vs overbuyer

THe Hapiness Project is much different than I thought it would be.  I didn't expect the research, the planning or the insight. But it's been all of those, and honestly, I can see it being a book I reread for inspiration and to gather new techniques and ideas.

One of the concepts that Gretchen brought to my mind was the concept of being either an underbuyer or overbuyer.  She relates to being a underbuyer, underscoring her frugal nature.  I think I'm a bit of both.  I tend to put off purchases to the last second, always searching for a better deal, and sometimes spending more in return trips to buy things at the last nano-second, than I would've if I'd just pulled the trigger and bought that extra tube of toothpaste in the first place.

On the other hand, when it comes to food, I tend to over buy.  I don't plan well on purchases, and S and I often shop separately, each forgetting things, and buying our favorites, which don't always translate into meals.

I think I want to try and hit the middle, neither under- nor over-buying.  But what would that look like?  And how would I achieve it?