
just in case you're keeping track

Here's a list of all the books i've read so far this year, in no particular order:

A Visit from the Goon Squad

The Swimming Pool

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest

How Did You Get This Number

The Year of Eating Dangerously

Gear For Your Kitchen

One Day

Hedge Fund Wives

The Cookbook Collector


The Help

Not Buying It

The Girl Who Played Go

The Improvisational Cook

Brilliant Food Tips and Cooking Tricks

How to Pick a Peach
           plus . . .
In Progress:
The Invisible Circus
Good Omens
           and . . .
Checked out but not yet started:
Keep the Change                                           5 days
Pro Nail Care                                              14 days
A Million Little Pieces                                  19 days
It All Changed In An Instant                         19 days
The Spellman Files                                       19 days
The Kitchen Detective                                  renewals left
plus two books I just checked out yesterday
Why is it as soon as I have fewer than about 30 items out from the library I go crazy checking things out again?

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